I hail from UP, but I moved to Delhi in 1985. In the same year, I joined KEI as a technician having just one goal in mind i.e., give 100 % at work and grow. I am talking about more than 25 years ago when KEI was just getting itself established in the cables Industry. Through the years in KEI I have handled multiple responsibilities like quality control, maintenance, stores and purchase, etc. Every time I was assigned a different task I decided not to say no to learning opportunities that comes my way. You have to trust your mentors and go by the direction they have planned for you.” Today I am working as a Production Manager and all the credit goes to my mentors. I would like to make a special mention about Mr. Pawan Aggarwal whose unwavering support gave me the confidence to grow. Without my mentors guidance and confidence in me I wouldn’t be where I am today.. Message for younger members of KEI: Nothing learned ever goes waste in life and hence be open to change. I feel change is the only constant in this world, and one who gracefully accepts this is the one who will be professionally satisfied. There will be various kinds of hurdles and bottlenecks when you are a part of an extremely dynamic work place. But both good and bad experiences shape your mind for what is to come. I have 3 children; 2 daughters and 1 son. They are doing extremely well and I have taught them the same values of being experimental and open to change.
Most Memorable moment at KEI
I cannot pick one memorable moment at KEI because I have spent a lifetime here. Whenever I got stuck in a difficult situation, Mr. Anil Gupta was always there standing by my side. And, this for me is most valuable thing I have earned from KEI.
Overall, it has been a beautiful journey and I am thankful to God for everything he has given me.
My mantra in life
Karma has no menu; you get served what you deserve.